Daniel Mucci • Sep 09, 2024

Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health’s (C&A) The Canton Repository Let Your Light Shine presented by the Massillon Eagles FOE #190 is Sept. 21 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Canton, from 6-9 p.m. The 19th annual event supports the youth mental health programs and services C&A provides each year to our 4,100 clients.

This year’s event promises an enchanting evening with a plated dinner and delectable desserts, a vibrant tropical-themed ambiance and a variety of exciting live auction items. The silent auction is available online through Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. by clicking HERE to register to bid. You do not have to be present to win a silent auction item.

For the fourth consecutive year, the event features The Schauer Group Grand Raffle ticket drawing. Tickets can be purchased online for $10 each by clicking HERE. The drawing will take place on Sept. 21 at 9 p.m. The winning prize is $1,500 and the winner need not be present at the event. The Grand Raffle drawing supports art and school supplies therapists need to work with clients. 

Attendees will also enjoy a video presentation showcasing the inspiring stories of our student mental health champions. Each year, students representing every Stark County high school provide powerful peer messages highlighting the importance of mental health. The champion's tips include having a “trusted adult” to “self-care tips their friends and family use.” These messages highlight that all students go through similar mental health challenges and all students feel the same way at some point as part of the struggles of adolescence. 

This year’s program also includes C&A Board Member and event emcee Mike Gallina speaking with Heidi Wilson from the YMCA of Central Stark County. C&A’s prevention and case management staff works with the YMCA after-school program sites to work with students on leadership skills, behavior challenges and Y staff to help identify and work through situations with students.

This year’s amazing committee is led by event chair Molly Sperling and co-chair Jamie Lowry. The talented and dedicated efforts of the auction committee are led by C&A Board Member Stacy Remark and Andrea Cerreta, who have put together some unusual and fine items. Some unique items include seasonal date nights, trips to Cleveland, Columbus and Pittsburgh as well as family fun activities such as game night and cat and dog-themed baskets.

"We are delighted to invite everyone to our 19th Annual Let Your Light Shine event. It is an opportunity to celebrate and support Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health's ongoing mission,” said Molly Sperling, “We look forward to sharing this evening with you and thank our sponsors and volunteers for their invaluable support."

C&A’s new CEO Melissa Coultas will greet and welcome guests at this year’s event. Coultas, who previously served as the agency’s Chief Advancement Officer through April 2023, led the efforts for previous Let Your Light Shine fundraisers.

"Supporting C&A is not just a commitment to a cause, but a pledge to every child who needs hope and healing. Together, we can make a profound difference in their journey toward brighter futures. I am incredibly proud of our Let Your Light Shine committee and volunteers for making this event possible and excited about the impact we will create together," said Coultas.

Grand Raffle tickets are available through Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets to attend this year’s event are available through Sept. 12. C&A appreciates your support of this amazing event and supporting youth mental health.

For more information, contact Mission Advancement Director Dan Mucci at 330.454.7917, ext. 145.


By Daniel Mucci 09 Sep, 2024
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health’s (C&A) The Canton Repository Let Your Light Shine presented by the Massillon Eagles FOE #190 is Sept. 21 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Canton, from 6-9 p.m. The 19th annual event supports the youth mental health programs and services C&A provides each year to our 4,100 clients.
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You have probably heard the scary statistics. LGBTQ+ youth are at higher risk for serious mental health problems (such as anxiety and depression) than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. They’re more likely to consider suicide, more likely to attempt suicide and more likely to engage in non-suicidal self-harm.
By Dr. Robert Willoughby 04 Jun, 2024
Hope and hopelessness play a large role in the phenomenon of suicide and depression including that of children and adolescents (Liu, et al., 2021). On the positive side I am always reminded of the use of hope to overcome hopelessness in stories reminiscent of a hero’s journey. Stories, where in the face of insurmountable odds, one digs in deep to find themselves, their own hope, and the hope of others joining together to help whilst overcoming trials and tribulations (Campbell, 2011).
By Dan Mucci 16 May, 2024
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By Dan Mucci 16 Apr, 2024
The sixth annual Stark County Schools Mental Health Awareness Week is May 6-10 Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health (C&A), CommQuest Services and Pathway Caring for Children will partner to bring positive mental health awareness to more than 53,000 students and 7,000 support and administrative staff in all 18 Stark County School districts.
By Chris Alpert 16 Nov, 2023
In the film, I’m Not Racist… Am I? as introduced and explored in first of this three-part blog post series, the participants engaged in multiple workshops that address race and racism. Interpersonally, the group of students grapple with their own differences and similarities, which impact the content and emotions they share with each other. There are several moments in the film that demonstrate the clear differences in the participants’ understanding of race. In the first workshop, the students were exposed to the idea that all white people are inherently racist seeing as American society was founded on principles meant to support white people (see more on structural racism here, here, and here for further understanding). Several white students in the film became emotional during that workshop. Most students remained quiet. Following this workshop, a black student and a white student were filmed independently of each other in their own homes and discussed the workshop and what they learned with their families. The white student discussed the differences between structural racism and bigotry with her mother and struggled to identify with the principles taught in the training. The black student stated to his mother how almost everything spoken in that workshop applied to him. The student further discussed his feelings by stating how overt racism is and yet how “subliminal” it is at the same time. How can something be so in your face and yet under your feet simultaneously? I immediately reflected on the dialectic of something being so clear and yet so vague. The film continued to grapple with student differences. At the beginning of the film, one white male student discussed with his mother how he feels that all individuals, if they apply themselves wholeheartedly, have the same chance of success regardless of their skin, gender, sexuality or other demographic factors. As a white man myself, I must confess that when I was in high school, I had the same mindset. How could it be different? Especially when I was reading mythic bootstrap literature in high school classes. Sure, the harder you work the more you deserve, but that statement does not work for all Americans. I had not accounted for racial factors that inhibit the growth of others, not to mention socio-economic factors, nationalities, citizenship status, gender and age. I continued to reflect on these statements and connected them to my experience in high school in New York City. In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement responding to the murder of George Floyd, multiple private progressive schools in New York, including the one I went to, suffered scrutiny from students and alumni who identify as black, indigenous people of color (BIPOC). Multiple Instagram accounts surfaced with the handle “BLACK AT [school name].” I read the posts in 2020, and again before writing this post, and remembered feeling horrified knowing these acts of racism, bigotry and microaggressions happened all around me. This was subliminal to me, yet overt to others.
By Chris Alpert 01 Nov, 2023
When I first came to Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health (C&A), I was unsure what to expect regarding race and diversity at both the organization and in Ohio. Having grown up in Harlem in New York City and attended graduate school in San Diego, CA, I had heard stereotypes about Ohio, specifically that Ohio was a very white state. At C&A during orientation, we discussed the role of first impressions for clients and discussed how the front desk staff are considered, “the directors of first impressions.” I loved this term. After orientation, I wondered, why we didn’t discuss demographic factors such as race and gender? We generally pick those up upon first impressions and have implicit biases and judgements in those first impressions. It was odd to me that we did not discuss these demographic factors. As the summer and fall progressed, I noticed that there were few discussions about race as it impacts C&A and the kids and families we serve. I noticed the number of white staff at C&A and reflected on my own privilege as a white man who can easily avoid the discussion of race because I do not suffer discrimination on an individual or systemic level. I reflected on my first experiences discussing race in high school. When I was in high school at the Calhoun School, my father received a grant to create a film and workshops that addressed race and racism seen through the eyes of high schoolers in New York City. My dad had completed a training hosted by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. This training opened my father’s eyes to his own white privilege and motivated him to teach kids, specifically white kids, about their privilege earlier in life. I first saw the film, I’m Not Racist… Am I? (see more here ), toward the end of high school after it had come out in 2014.
By Dr. Karita Nussbaum 20 Oct, 2023
Ohio is at a crossroads once again with marijuana on the ballot next month. The following article is from Every Brain Matters, an organization that believes that the THC in marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug. Every Brain Matters is a trusted source of educational material based on the latest scientific evidence. One of the major criticisms of expanded marijuana legalization is that it makes the drug more accessible to minors. A brand-new study just published in JAMA Pediatrics shows that it has become a valid concern.
By Savannah Okray 11 Sep, 2023
For the last few months, C&A has been diligently preparing for the 18th Annual Let Your Light Shine – Southern Nights presented by The Repository by organizing auction items, printing tickets and using their creativity to make sure that eventgoers feel as though they are walking into an evening in the south, with barrels and lanterns to boot. The committee, led by chair Jen Frey and co-chair Molly Sperling and auction chair Stacy Remark are hard at work, it’s crucial to remember that this event raises awareness and dollars to support the agency’s programs and services amid suicide prevention and awareness month.
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