School-based therapists are in schools to help with the emotional and behavioral needs of students, parents, teachers and the community. School-based treatment and consultation has been in existence for more than 20 years in Stark County and is a convenient option for many families.
Good mental health is critical to children’s success in school and life. Research demonstrates that students who receive social-emotional and mental health support perform better academically. School-based therapists are on-site and are able to help a student or teacher immediately, especially a student dealing with anxiety or strong emotions. Students who are struggling with emotional or behavioral issues are often affected academically and socially.
School-based clinicians establish relationships with their school through CARE teams. CARE teams typically include multiple school personnel (a teacher from each grade level, the principal, guidance counselor and C&A therapists). During CARE team meetings, students may be identified as needing screened for services due to behavioral and/or emotional concerns. A screening will determine appropriate services for the child. This will be reviewed with the parent/guardian along with treatment recommendations.
School-based consultative services as well as treatment are a more feasible option for some families for multiple reasons. Those reasons include the child is getting help during the school day; a more convenient time for families versus an evening appointment; therapists are there in the moment of the crisis situation and can provide immediate help; and they provide a safety-net for students to speak with someone. Students receiving services are from diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
Part of school-based therapy is being as discreet as possible and protecting the privacy of the student/family. A provider’s communication is important between the school, family and student in regards to how a student is discretely released for a school therapy session.
C&A’s school-based consultation services include a behavioral health screening, community linkage and referrals, parent/guardian and student engagement/education, CARE team meetings and collaboration with school staff. When indicated, with parental consent, students may receive formal diagnostic and treatment services, provided at the school, by a school-based therapist.
Students and family members are referred by school staff and/or CARE team (with permission from the parent/guardian) to screen for possible mental health or substance abuse issues and provide information and connection to appropriate treatment options.
Therapists can assess for risk factors and then address imminent issues that necessitates behavioral health intervention and referrals such as recent exposure to a traumatic event, suicidal ideation, self-harm behaviors, and aggressive/violent behaviors.
Our therapists give parents strategies, support and education resources to strengthen family interactions. Our therapists help reduce stigma related to behavioral health services.
Therapists can provide school or community resources, including behavioral health resources to a student, parent/guardian, families or to school staff. Therapists can provide engagement strategies, support and education to parent/guardian or school staff regarding effective social/emotional interventions and strategies for a specific student.
Massillon M.S.
Warstler Elementary
Tuslaw Middle and Elementary not listed
C&A opened its doors in late June, 1976. Learn about our wonderful history and how the agency has expanded its programs, services and locations throughout Stark County.