Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health is partnering with Dr. Steve Graef, a Columbus-based sports psychologist and performance coach. Dr. Graef is the owner of Mindurance, a collection of mental fitness communities dedicated to helping like-minded people develop mental fitness through virtual group coaching and online community.

Dr. Graef is partnering with C&A to provide tips and strategies for coaches, parents and athletes for athletes to stay strong and mentally fit. Dr. Graef has created a video series title "Ask Dr. Steve?"

where he discusses a question and provides an answer regarding athletes mental health. Additionally, there are tip sheets available to download and keep the information near by to refer to often.

Athletes Strong for Mental Health is presented by Stifel, a diversified global wealth management and investment banking company focused on building relationships that help individuals, families and organizations pursue their financial goals.

Former Stark County Athlete Eddie McClintock opens up about playing sports and substance use

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