Developmental Consultation: 

If a family expresses concerns or observations about a potential developmental concern, a family will be referred to a developmental consultant. This consultant does not provide therapy, treatment, or diagnoses; however, they will direct and support families in obtaining the appropriate testing and support based upon their child’s needs. 

Family Programming 

Family programming is the starting point that connects families and guardians with any and all potential and appropriate resources. Once in contact with our family programming department, a specialist reaches out and conducts a phone interview. During this time, the specialist collaborates with the family to determine potential community resources and supports, such as parenting skill sessions, developmental consultations, and referrals to other clinical or community services. Referrals to resources, support, and programs are based upon the individual needs of each family.

Triple P 

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing. Triple P is used in more 30 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and in many different kinds of family structures. Additionally, every Triple P level is offered in three formats, depending on a child and family’s individual needs: Standard (ages 2-12), Teen (ages 12-17), and Stepping Stones (for children with developmental 



Level 2 

This is a "light touch" intervention providing brief one-time assistance to parents who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns with their child's behavior or development. 

Delivered as: 

  • Triple P Selected Seminar Series – An introduction to the strategies of positive parenting and Triple P. Parents attend any number of three 90-minute seminars (Power of Positive Parenting; Raising Confident, Competent Children; and Raising Resilient Children) or any of the three seminars in the Teen Triple P Seminar Series (Raising Responsible Teenagers; Raising Competent Teenagers; and Getting Teenagers Connected). Take-home tip sheets are given to all parents who attend Triple P seminars.

  • Brief Primary Care and Brief Primary Care Teen – Delivered opportunistically by a practitioner who provides regular support to parents of children or teenagers. A brief one-on-one consultation of 15–30 minutes targets a specific issue. If required, there can be a follow-up visit or phone call. 

Level 3 

Delivered as: 

Targeted counseling for parents of a child with mild to moderate behavioral difficulties. It is available for parents of children from birth to 12 years and for parents of teenagers. Level 3 interventions deal with a specific problem behavior or issue. 

  • Primary Care Triple P – A brief face-to-face or telephone intervention with a provider (from areas such as child and community health, education, allied health, child care etc.). Approximately four individual consultations lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. Uses tip sheets and Positive Parenting Booklet to reinforce strategies. For parents of children birth to 12 years and Primary Care Teen Triple P for parents of adolescents to 16 years. 

  • Triple P Discussion Groups – Two-hour small group sessions, targeting a specific problem behavior or issue. Each discussion group can be taken as a stand-alone session or as part of a series. There are five topics for parents of children under 12 (Dealing with disobedience; Managing fighting and aggression; Developing good bedtime routines; Hassle-free shopping with children, and Hassle-free mealtimes with children) and four in Teen Triple P Discussion Groups for parents of 12 –16 year olds (Coping with teenagers' emotions; Reducing family conflict; Getting teenagers to cooperate; and Building teenagers' survival skills). 

Level 4 

For parents of children with severe behavioral difficulties (or in the case of Group Triple P/Group Teen Triple P, for motivated parents interested in gaining a more in-depth understanding of Positive Parenting).  

Delivered as: 

  • Group Triple P/Group Teen Triple P – Groups of no more than 12 parents attend five sessions and are supported with three phone counseling/catch-up sessions at home. Uses DVDs and workbook to engage parents and reinforce strategies. 

  • Standard Triple P/Standard Teen Triple P – For parents who need intensive support. Individual counseling delivered over ten (1 hour) sessions. Uses DVD, workbook. 

  • Triple P Online – A comprehensive, eight-session web-based program that guides parents through Triple P's 17 core parenting skills. Based on the Standard Triple P program it includes opt-in text or email reminders of session goals and strategies. 

  • Self-directed Triple P – A ten week self-help program, based on a workbook. Parents who need additional support can receive weekly 15–30 minute telephone consultations. 

Level 5

Pathways Triple P – For parents at risk of child maltreatment. Covers anger management and other behavioral strategies to improve a parent's ability to cope with raising children

Intensive support for families with complex concerns. Intensive support for families with complex concerns. Parents generally complete a Level 4 Standard or Group program before (or in conjunction with) a Level 5 course, however parents can also be referred by their Primary Care provider. 

  • Stepping Stones Triple P – For parents of pre-adolescent children who have a disability. Stepping Stones has been shown to work with children with intellectual and physical disabilities who have disruptive behavior. It can delivered in any of four ways – Selected Seminars, Primary Care, Group and Standard Triple P.

  • Family Transitions –Individual or group sessions for parents whose separation or divorce is complicating their parenting. Uses Family Transitions DVD and parent workbook. 


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Larissa Haring


Deanna Moyer


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